Market to a
Vetted List of 500,000+ Trucking Industry Contacts

Promote your products and services to over 500,000 industry professionals by advertising in the North American Transportation Association’s (NTA) weekly newsletter.

Flexible Advertising Options

Choose from full featured ads to small logo placements. ï»¿

Directory Listing

Every ad comes with a free listing in the NTA Directory!

Limited Spots Available

Each weekly newsletter will only contain 4 paid ads.

A One-Stop-Shop for the
Trucking Industry

From individual owner operators to larger fleets — the trucking industry relies on NTA for professional safety compliance
information, financial services, driver management, insurance,
and the latest insights.

Many essential industry professionals are part of the NTA — making it North America’s largest and most trusted source
for the logistics industry.

Reach your target audience with NTA. Our weekly
newsletter is successfully delivered to over

50 million recipients every year.


Advertising Packages

Advertising with NTA is easy. Choose from a variety of flexible packages to meet your marketing goals.

Sponsored Logo


Adds your logo and a “sponsored by” line to the top right of our newsletter.


Full Featured Ad


600x600 full feature ad located front and center at the top of the newsletter.


Half-Size Ad


Half-sized ad located in the 2nd ad
slot in the weekly newsletter.


Quarter-Size Ad


Quarter-sized ad located in the 3rd and 4th ad slot in the newsletter.


How to Get Started

We’ve made it simple for you to start advertising with NTA.


Complete the Form

Fill out the form and tell us about the ad you want to send through our weekly newsletter.

Go to the form


We’ll Design the Creative

We’ll design your advertisement’s creative and ensure it’s
ready for release.


Your Ad Goes Live

Once designed, your ad will be sent to over 500,000 industry contacts at release.

Tell us about your advertisement by
completing the form below.

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